
This is the API reference for the Pando library.


This module contains Pando’s built-in body parsers.

Body parsers are optional ways to enable Pando to uniformly parse POST body content according to its supplied Content-Type.

A body parser has the signature:

def name(raw, headers):

where raw is the raw bytestring to be parsed, and headers is the Headers mapping of the supplied headers.

pando.body_parsers.formdata(raw, headers)

Parse raw as form data.

Supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data.

pando.body_parsers.jsondata(raw, headers)

Parse raw as JSON data.


Custom exceptions raised by Pando

exception pando.exceptions.CRLFInjection

A 400 Response (per #249) raised if there’s a suspected CRLF Injection attack in the headers.

exception pando.exceptions.MalformedHeader(header)

A 400 Response (per RFC7230 section 3.2.4) raised if there’s no : in a header field, or if there’s leading or trailing whitespace in the key part of a header field.

exception pando.exceptions.MalformedBody(msg)

A 400 Response raised if parsing the body of a POST request fails.

exception pando.exceptions.UnknownBodyType(ctype)

A 415 Response raised if the Content-Type of the body of a POST request doesn’t have a body_parser registered for it.

exception pando.exceptions.BadLocation(msg)

A 500 Response raised if an invalid redirect is attempted.



class pando.http.baseheaders.BaseHeaders(d)

Bases: pando.http.mapping.CaseInsensitiveMapping

Represent the headers in an HTTP Request or Response message.

How to send non-English unicode string using HTTP header? and What character encoding should I use for a HTTP header? have good notes on why we do everything as pure bytes here.


Takes headers as a dict, list, or bytestring.

__setitem__(name, value)

Checks for CRLF in value, then calls the superclass method:

CaseInsensitiveMapping.__setitem__(name, value)
add(name, value)

Checks for CRLF in value, then calls the superclass method:

CaseInsensitiveMapping.add(name, value)

Return the headers as a bytestring, formatted for an HTTP message.

__contains__(k) → True if D has a key k, else False
get(name, default=None)

Raises a 400 Response.


Given one or more names of keys, return a list of their values.


D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised


class pando.http.mapping.Mapping

Bases: aspen.http.mapping.Mapping


Raises a 400 Response.


Given a name, return the last value or call self.keyerror.

__setitem__(name, value)

Given a name and value, clobber any existing values.

add(name, value)

Given a name and value, clobber any existing values with the new one.


Given a name, return a list of values, possibly empty.

get(name, default=None)

Override to only return the last value.


Given one or more names of keys, return a list of their values.

pop(name, default=<object object>)

Given a name, return a value.

This removes the last value from the list for name and returns it. If there was only one value in the list then the key is removed from the mapping. If name is not present and default is given, that is returned instead. Otherwise, self.keyerror is called.


D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised

class pando.http.mapping.CaseInsensitiveMapping(*a, **kw)

Bases: pando.http.mapping.Mapping

__init__(*a, **kw)

Initializes the mapping.

Loops through positional arguments first, then through keyword args.

Positional arguments can be dicts or lists of items.

__contains__(k) → True if D has a key k, else False
__setitem__(name, value)
add(name, value)
get(name, default=None)

D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised


Raises a 400 Response.


Given one or more names of keys, return a list of their values.


Define a Request class and child classes.

Here is how we analyze the structure of an HTTP message, along with the objects we use to model each:

- request                   Request
    - line                  Line
        - method            Method      ASCII
        - uri               URI
            - path          Path
              - parts       list of PathPart
            - querystring   Querystring
        - version           Version     ASCII
    - headers               Headers     str
        - cookie            Cookie      str
        - host              unicode     str
        - scheme            unicode     str
    - body                  Body        Content-Type?
pando.http.request.make_franken_uri(path, qs)

Given two bytestrings, return a bytestring.

We want to pass ASCII to Request. However, our friendly neighborhood WSGI servers do friendly neighborhood things with the Request-URI to compute PATH_INFO and QUERY_STRING. In addition, our friendly neighborhood browser sends “raw, unescaped UTF-8 bytes in the query during an HTTP request” (

Our strategy is to try decoding to ASCII, and if that fails (we don’t have ASCII) then we’ll quote the value before passing to Request. What encoding are those bytes? Good question. The above blog post claims that experiment reveals all browsers to send UTF-8, so let’s go with that? BUT WHAT ABOUT MAXTHON?!?!?!.


Takes a WSGI environ, returns a dict of HTTP headers.


Kick against the goad. Try to squeeze blood from a stone. Do our best.

class pando.http.request.Request(website, method='GET', uri='/', server_software='', version='HTTP/1.1', headers='', body=None)

Bases: object

Represent an HTTP Request message.


See Line.


A mapping of HTTP headers. See Headers.

__init__(website, method='GET', uri='/', server_software='', version='HTTP/1.1', headers='', body=None)

body is expected to be a file-like object.

classmethod from_wsgi(website, environ)

Given a WSGI environ, return a new instance of the class.

The conversion from HTTP to WSGI is lossy. This method does its best to go the other direction, but we can’t guarantee that we’ve reconstructed the bytes as they were on the wire.

Almost all the keys and values in a WSGI environ dict are (supposed to be) of type str, meaning bytestrings in python 2 and unicode strings in python 3. In this function we normalize them to bytestrings. Ref:


This property attempts to parse the Content-Length header.

Returns zero if the header is missing or empty.

Raises a 400 Response if the header is not a valid integer.


Lazily read the whole request body.

Returns b'' if the request doesn’t have a body.


This property calls parse_body() and caches the result.


Parses body_bytes using headers to determine which of the body_parsers should be used.

Raises UnknownBodyType if the HTTP Content-Type isn’t recognized, and MalformedBody if the parsing fails.


Lazily load the body and return the whole message.

When working with a Request object interactively or in a debugging situation we want it to behave transparently string-like. We don’t want to read bytes off the wire if we can avoid it, though, because for mega file uploads and such this could have a big impact.

__repr__() <==> repr(x)

Given method strings, raise 405 if ours is not among them.

The method names are case insensitive (they are uppercased). If 405 is raised then the Allow header is set to the methods given.


Check the value of X-Requested-With.

class pando.http.request.Line

Bases: str

Represent the first line of an HTTP Request message.

static __new__(cls, method, uri, version)

Takes three bytestrings.

pando.http.request.STANDARD_METHODS = set([u'CONNECT', u'DELETE', u'GET', u'HEAD', u'OPTIONS', u'POST', u'PUT', u'TRACE'])

A set containing the 8 basic HTTP methods.

If your application uses other standard methods (see the HTTP Method Registry), or custom methods, you can add them to this set to improve performance.

class pando.http.request.Method

Bases: str

Represent the HTTP method in the first line of an HTTP Request message.

static __new__(cls, raw)

Creates a new Method object.

Raises a 400 Response if the given bytestring is not a valid HTTP method, per RFC7230 section 3.1.1:

Recipients of an invalid request-line SHOULD respond with either a 400 (Bad Request) error or a 301 (Moved Permanently) redirect with the request-target properly encoded.

RFC7230 defines valid methods as:

method         = token

token          = 1*tchar

tchar          = "!" / "#" / "$" / "%" / "&" / "'" / "*"
               / "+" / "-" / "." / "^" / "_" / "`" / "|" / "~"
               / DIGIT / ALPHA
               ; any VCHAR, except delimiters
class pando.http.request.URI

Bases: str

Represent the Request-URI in the first line of an HTTP Request message.

static __new__(cls, raw)

Creates a URI object from a raw bytestring.

We require that raw be decodable with ASCII, if it isn’t a 400 Response is raised.

class pando.http.request.Path

Bases: str


The path decoded to text.


Mapping of path variables.


List of PathPart instances.

static __new__(cls, raw)

Creates a Path object from a raw bytestring.

class pando.http.request.Querystring

Bases: str


The querystring decoded to text.


Mapping of querystring variables.

static __new__(cls, raw)

Creates a Querystring object from a raw bytestring.

class pando.http.request.Version

Bases: str

Holds the version from the HTTP status line, e.g. HTTP/1.1.

Accessing the info, major, or minor attribute will raise a 400 Response if the version is invalid.

RFC7230 section 2.6:

HTTP-version  = HTTP-name "/" DIGIT "." DIGIT
HTTP-name     = %x48.54.54.50 ; "HTTP", case-sensitive
__slots__ = []
class pando.http.request.Headers(raw)

Bases: pando.http.baseheaders.BaseHeaders

Model headers in an HTTP Request message.


Extend BaseHeaders to add extra attributes.

__contains__(k) → True if D has a key k, else False
__setitem__(name, value)

Checks for CRLF in value, then calls the superclass method:

CaseInsensitiveMapping.__setitem__(name, value)
add(name, value)

Checks for CRLF in value, then calls the superclass method:

CaseInsensitiveMapping.add(name, value)
get(name, default=None)

Raises a 400 Response.


Given one or more names of keys, return a list of their values.


D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised


Return the headers as a bytestring, formatted for an HTTP message.


class pando.http.response.CloseWrapper(request, body)

Conform to WSGI’s facility for running code after a response is sent.

exception pando.http.response.Response(code=200, body=u'', headers=None)

Represent an HTTP Response message.

request = None
whence_raised = (None, None)
__init__(code=200, body=u'', headers=None)

Takes an int, a string, a dict.

  • code an HTTP response code, e.g., 404
  • body the message body as a string
  • headers a dict, list, or bytestring of HTTP headers

Code is first because when you’re raising your own Responses, they’re usually error conditions. Body is second because one more often wants to specify a body without headers, than a header without a body.

to_wsgi(environ, start_response, charset)
__repr__() <==> repr(x)
__str__() <==> str(x)

Sets self.whence_raised

It’s a tuple, (filename, linenum) where we were raised from.

This function needs to be called from inside the except block.


Pando logging convenience wrappers

pando.logging.log(*messages, **kw)

Make logging more convenient - use magic to get the __name__ of the calling module/function and log as it.

‘level’ if present as a kwarg, is the level to log at. ‘upframes’ if present as a kwarg, is how many frames up to look for the name.

other kwargs are passed through to Logger.log()

pando.logging.log_dammit(*messages, **kw)

like log(), but critical instead of warning


These functions comprise the request processing functionality of Pando.

The order of functions in this module defines Pando’s state chain for request processing. The actual parsing is done by StateChain.from_dotted_name().

Dependencies are injected as specified in each function definition. Each function should return None, or a dictionary that will be used to update the state in the calling routine.

It’s important that function names remain relatively stable over time, as downstream applications are expected to insert their own functions into this chain based on the names of our functions here. A change in function names or ordering here would constitute a backwards-incompatible change.

pando.state_chain.parse_environ_into_request(environ, website)

No-op placeholder for easy hookage


A hook to return 200 to an ‘OPTIONS *’ request

pando.state_chain.redirect_to_base_url(website, request)
pando.state_chain.dispatch_path_to_filesystem(website, request)
pando.state_chain.raise_404_if_missing(dispatch_result, website)
pando.state_chain.redirect_to_canonical_path(dispatch_result, website)
pando.state_chain.apply_typecasters_to_path(state, website, request)
pando.state_chain.load_resource_from_filesystem(website, dispatch_result)

No-op placeholder for easy hookage

pando.state_chain.extract_accept_header(request=None, exception=None)
pando.state_chain.render_response(state, resource, response, website)
pando.state_chain.get_response_for_exception(website, exception)

No-op placeholder for easy hookage

pando.state_chain.log_traceback_for_5xx(response, traceback=None)
pando.state_chain.delegate_error_to_simplate(website, state, response, request=None, resource=None)
pando.state_chain.log_traceback_for_exception(website, exception)
pando.state_chain.log_result_of_request(website, request=None, dispatch_result=None, response=None)

Log access. With our own format (not Apache’s).



exception pando.testing.client.DidntRaiseResponse
class pando.testing.client.FileUpload(data, filename, content_type=None)

Model a file upload for testing. Takes data and a filename.

pando.testing.client.encode_multipart(boundary, data)

Encodes multipart POST data from a dictionary of form values.

The key will be used as the form data name; the value will be transmitted as content. Use the FileUpload class to simulate file uploads (note that they still come out as FieldStorage instances inside of simplates).

class pando.testing.client.Client(www_root=None, project_root=None)

This is the Pando test client. It is probably useful to you.


Given an URL path, return a Resource instance.

GET(*a, **kw)
POST(*a, **kw)
OPTIONS(*a, **kw)
HEAD(*a, **kw)
PUT(*a, **kw)
DELETE(*a, **kw)
TRACE(*a, **kw)
CONNECT(*a, **kw)
GxT(*a, **kw)
PxST(*a, **kw)
xPTIONS(*a, **kw)
HxAD(*a, **kw)
PxT(*a, **kw)
DxLETE(*a, **kw)
TRxCE(*a, **kw)
CxNNECT(*a, **kw)
hxt(*a, **kw)
hit(method, path=u'/', data=None, body='', content_type='multipart/form-data; boundary=BoUnDaRyStRiNg', raise_immediately=True, return_after=None, want=u'response', **headers)
static resolve_want(state, want)
build_wsgi_environ(method, url, body, content_type, cookies=None, **kw)
class pando.testing.client.StatefulClient(*a, **kw)

This is a Client subclass that keeps cookies between calls.

hit(*a, **kw)



Standard teardown function.

  • reset the current working directory
  • remove FSFIX = %{tempdir}/fsfix
  • clear out sys.path_importer_cache
class pando.testing.harness.Harness

A harness to be used in the Pando test suite itself. Probably not useful to you.

simple(contents=u'Greetings, program!', filepath=u'index.html.spt', uripath=None, website_configuration=None, **kw)

A helper to create a file and hit it through our machinery.

make_request(*a, **kw)
make_dispatch_result(*a, **kw)


pando.utils.maybe_encode(s, codec=u'ascii')

Python 2.7 adds a total_seconds method to timedelta objects.


This function is taken from

class pando.utils.UTC



datetime -> minutes east of UTC (negative for west of UTC).


datetime -> string name of time zone.


datetime -> DST offset in minutes east of UTC.


Return a tz-aware datetime.datetime.


Given a datetime.datetime, return an RFC 822-formatted unicode.

Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT

According to RFC 1123, day and month names must always be in English. If not for that, this code could use strftime(). It can’t because strftime() honors the locale and could generated non-English names.


Assert that arguments are of a certain type.

Checks is a flattened sequence of objects and target types, like this:

( {'foo': 2}, dict
, [1,2,3], list
, 4, int
, True, bool
, 'foo', (basestring, None)

The target type can be a single type or a tuple of types. None is special-cased (you can specify None and it will be interpreted as type(None)).

>>> typecheck()
>>> typecheck('foo')
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: typecheck takes an even number of arguments.
>>> typecheck({'foo': 2}, dict)
>>> typecheck([1,2,3], list)
>>> typecheck(4, int)
>>> typecheck(True, bool)
>>> typecheck('foo', (str, None))
>>> typecheck(None, None)
>>> typecheck(None, type(None))
>>> typecheck('foo', unicode)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Check #1: 'foo' is of type str, but unicode was expected.
>>> typecheck('foo', (basestring, None))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Check #1: 'foo' is of type str, not one of: basestring, NoneType.
>>> class Foo(object):
...   def __repr__(self):
...     return "<Foo>"
>>> typecheck(Foo(), dict)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Check #1: <Foo> is of type __main__.Foo, but dict was expected.
>>> class Bar:
...   def __repr__(self):
...     return "<Bar>"
>>> typecheck(Bar(), dict)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Check #1: <Bar> is of type instance, but dict was expected.
>>> typecheck('foo', str, 'bar', unicode)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Check #2: 'bar' is of type str, but unicode was expected.



Represent a website.

This object holds configuration information, and how to handle HTTP requests (per WSGI). It is available to user-developers inside of their simplates and state chain functions.

Parameters:kwargs – configuration values. The available options and their default values are described in and aspen.request_processor.DefaultConfiguration.
request_processor = None

An Aspen RequestProcessor instance.

state_chain = None

The chain of functions used to process an HTTP request, imported from pando.state_chain.

body_parsers = None

Mapping of content types to parsing functions.

__call__(environ, start_response)

Alias of wsgi_app().

wsgi_app(environ, start_response)

WSGI interface.

Wrap this method (instead of the website object itself) when you want to use WSGI middleware:

website = Website()
website.wsgi_app = WSGIMiddleware(website.wsgi_app)
respond(environ, raise_immediately=None, return_after=None)

Given a WSGI environ, return a state dict.

redirect(location, code=None, permanent=False, base_url=None, response=None)

Raise a redirect Response.

If code is None then it will be set to 301 (Moved Permanently) if permanent is True and 302 (Found) if it is False. If url doesn’t start with base_url (defaulting to self.base_url), then we prefix it with base_url before redirecting. This is a protection against open redirects. If you wish to use a relative path or full URL as location, then base_url must be the empty string; if it’s not, we raise BadLocation. If you provide your own response we will set .code and .headers[‘Location’] on it.


Enforces a base_url such as http://localhost:8080 (no path part).


Given a filename, return the filepath to pando’s internal version of that filename.

No existence checking is done, this just abstracts away the __file__ reference nastiness.


Given a filename, return a filepath or None.

It looks for the file in self.project_root, then in Pando’s default files directory. None is returned if the file is not found in either location.


Reference to Simplate.default_renderers_by_media_type, for backward compatibility.


Reference to self.request_processor.project_root, for backward compatibility.


Reference to Simplate.renderer_factories, for backward compatibility.


Reference to self.request_processor.www_root, for backward compatibility.


Default configuration of Website objects.

base_url = u''

The website’s base URL (scheme and host only, no path). If specified, then requests for URLs that don’t match it are automatically redirected. For example, if base_url is, then a request for is redirected to

colorize_tracebacks = True

Use the Pygments package to prettify tracebacks with syntax highlighting.

list_directories = False

List the contents of directories that don’t have a custom index.

show_tracebacks = False

Show Python tracebacks in error responses.


Provide a WSGI callable.

(It could be nice if this was at pando:wsgi instead of pando.wsgi:website, but then Website would be instantiated every time you import the pando module. Here, it’s only instantiated when you pass this to a WSGI server like gunicorn, spawning, etc.) = < object>

This is the WSGI callable, an instance of Website.

pando.wsgi.application = < object>

Alias of website. A number of WSGI servers look for this name by default, for example running gunicorn pando.wsgi works.